Monday, June 15, 2009

Updated Gardening Photos and Video

Here is a short video and a few photos that were taken today of our organic, heirloom garden:

Rutgers Tomatoes (nicely developing clusters of tomatoes):


ruters tomatoes

Bloody Butcher Corn:

bloody butcher corn

Marglobe Supreme Tomatoes (also developing tomatoes):

marglobe supreme tomatoes

marglobe supreme tomatoes

White Bush Squash:

white bush squash

Early Yellow Squash:

early yellow squash

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Discovery of Strange Fungi


Hmmm...what does this look like? This strange hot pink stemmed mushroom appears to be hatching out of an egg filled with a gooey substance. We found this along with another similar fungus in the miniature horse pasture...there were also two unhatched eggs nearby. Does anyone have any idea what kind of mushroom this is? Here are a few pictures of our discovery:




Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wild Evening Primrose for Combating Multiple Sclerosis

evening primrose 2


Evening Primrose has been used for centuries for easing PMS and menopausal symptoms, and helps calm the nerves. We picked wild Evening Primrose off the side of the road in Nowata, Oklahoma for making tea by picking the leaves and flowers of the plant and drying them. Evening Primrose can help with symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis which my twin sister, Andrea, has; so I am going to give her this hand-picked tea as a medicinal gift. The abundant supply of essential fatty acids in evening primrose oil may be valuable in minimizing the inflammation associated with this progressive nerve disorder. The fatty acids may also contribute to healthy nerve development when taken over time. - Jessica

An elegant picture of Andrea on her wedding day:

P.S. Check out the lovely Wine Cup Purple Poppies we found in the pasture and the fragrant Japanese Honeysuckle we found in our back yard (we can make tea out of this)!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

More Tomato Plant Pictures and Wildcrafted Herb Finds

The best deal on Heirloom Seeds in the world.

heirloom jessica

The Lovely Jessica planting an Heirloom Rutgers Tomato plant.


Marglobe Supreme Tomatoes

pak choy

Pak Choy cabbage is growing very well in this pot.



These are of the same Rutgers Tomato plants from different angles. We have basil, chives, peppermint and catnip planted in between and around the plants which is just starting to sprout.


Flame Lettuce, Mustard Greens, Spinach, Paris Island Lettuce, Yellow Early Squash and Black Beauty Eggplant.

better boy tomato plant

Better Boy hybrid tomato plant in the front yard (my mom bought this, I am only growing heirloom tomatoes in the backyard.)

Lemon Balm Leaves added to white vinegar to make an "Herbal Vinegar." We will use this as a marinade for chicken, as medicine, as well as a salad dressing mixed with olive oil and some other herbs.


yarrow 2

This is some Wild Wooly Yarrow we picked in the miniature horse pasture. We will use the dried herb as a tea and as a tasty smoke. It is also great extracted into olive oil and used externally on minor cuts and scrapes (much better than petrolium junk like neosporin.)

Jessy & Daisy

Jessica with our baby filly Daisy in the pasture.

strawberry leaves

Wild Strawberry Leaves that will be dried and used as an astringent/digestive aid tea.

mulberry leaves

Adding Mulberry leaf tea to your diet can allow you to consume more safe sugars. We picked these leaves today, but we can't wait to pick some berries; they should be ripe within the next few days. The mulberries have turned red, but we are waiting for them to turn dark purple to pick them.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

New pictures of organic, heirloom garden

Pictures are flame lettuce, rutgers and marglobe supreme tomatoes, bloody butcher corn, white wonder cucumbers, crookneck squash, many varieties of beans.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Tomato Plants progress



tomato plants 3-19-09

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Discover edible, medicinal plants growing in your neck of the woods!

Joe and I are becoming Oklahoma Wildcrafters! If you are interested in edible plants in the Oklahoma area a great website to check out is:

Last spring, I made an herbal infusion out of Cleavers that Joe and I found in our backyard! Cleavers have many medicinal properties, including the ability to reduce swollen lymph nodes; which I had at the time because of my sore throat. This infusion was actually quite tasty and relatively easy to make; all you have to do is rinse this sticky plant, liquidize it with hot water in your blender, and voilĂ  you have a therapeutic cleaver infusion!

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Cleavers is a coffee relative, and its seed if roasted are used as a coffee substitute. Herbalists have long regarded cleavers as a valuable lymphatic tonic. In essence the lymph system is the body's mechanism to wash tissues of toxins, passing them back into the bloodstream to be cleansed by the liver and kidneys.

Medicinal properties of cleavers: good for urinary tract problems. Bitter, cooling, salty, blood cleanser, laxative, diaphoretic, diuretic, febrifuge, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, astringent, mild antibiotic, alterative, tonic; affects kidneys, gall bladder, and the lymphatic and urinary systems; lowers blood pressure; assists healing.

Cleavers have been used as a blood cleanser in cases of eczema, scrofula, psoriasis, and cancer; and has been used for edema, urinary tract infections, cystitis, urinary stones, insomnia, high blood pressure, enlarged lymph nodes (due to any condition), glandular fevers, scarlet fever, measles, upper respiratory infections, asthma, mumps, myalgic encephalomyelitis, hepatitis, jaundice, tonsillitis, adenoid problems, obesity, scurvy, spasms, eczema, psoriasis, cystitis, breast cysts and tumors (benign).

Cleavers have been combined with Marshmallow for cystitis; combined with Echinacea or Goldenseal for throat infection; with Red Clover, Stinging Nettle, and Figwort for psoriasis; for scarlet fever, small pox, and eruptive diseases it has been mixed in equal part with elderflowers; has been combined with thyme for cystitis and urinary tract infections (taken hourly as a tea). A cream is also used for psoriasis and other skin irritations. A salve has also been used for burns and scalds. A compress has been used for burns, abrasions, ulcers, and skin inflammations.

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The infusion has been used for urinary problems (cystitis and gravel), for bedwetting (taken 3 times daily), and as a cooling drink for fevers. Has often been combined with Broom, Bearberry, Buchu, and Marshmallow for urinary obstruction.

Cleavers have also been used externally for breast lumps, swollen glands, ulcerations, abscesses, wounds, skin irritations and minor injuries, psoriasis and all skin conditions in general. Has been used to reduce lymphatic congestion in the skin and breasts. An infusion for external use = 1/2 oz macerated fresh plant to 1 pint of warm water, steeped 2 hours. Also, the juice has been applied to sore nipples and sores.

For cancer, Cleavers have been combined with Sweet violet leaves (a large quantity of Violet leaves has been used throughout the regimen). A poultice made by combining the juice with oatmeal has been used 3 times daily for indolent tumors; a teaspoon of the juice has also been taken each morning. Another method of reducing tumor growths with cleavers has been to measure out 1/4 cup fresh or dried herb to 1 cup of boiling water, the resultant infusion being separated into 3 parts and taken 3 times over the course of the day. An ointment of the fresh plant has been used for tumors. Cleaver juice has been used for prostate problems.

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Crushed fresh Cleaver have been used as a poultice to stop bleeding. Also for bleeding of the nose and the infusion and/or juice internally for bleeding from the stomach. The juice of both the seeds and the plant were once used for poisonous spider or snake bites. Furthermore, the juice or the infused oil has been used for earache.

The dried powdered root of Cleavers has been used on wounds and open ulcers to speed healing.
Has been eaten in China as a vegetable to help with weight loss. In Chinese medicine it is regarded as tonic and as a blood cleanser and has been used for skin and breast cancer, hepatoma (cancer of the liver), leukemia, dropsy, epilepsy, ganglionic tumors, gravel, high blood pressure, hysteria, pleurisy, sores, carbuncles, skin infections, spasms, urethritis, urogenital problems, blood in the urine, bloating, and ulcers. In a study using dogs as subjects, arterial pressure was lowered up to 50% without slowing the pulse.

Cleavers have been widely used as a Folk Medicine in central Europe and the Balkans for various cancers (breast, throat and tongue) and for indurations and wens. In the East Indies, Cleavers have been used to treat gonorrhea (1/2 to 1 fluid oz of the fresh juice every 4 to 6 hours). Also, the Penobscots of North America used it in combination with other herbs for gonorrhea, kidney problems, and the spitting of blood. The Meskwaki boiled the plant to use as an emetic.

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Joe and I have also discovered Chickweed in our yard; which like Cleavers, has many medicinal properties. They are very crisp and delicious and is a great substitute for lettuce or fresh spinach in salads and sandwiches and is also nice when steamed or boiled (cooked like spinach).

Chickweed is best known for it's ability to cool inflammation and speed healing for internal or external flare-ups. Herbalists often recommend it as a poultice or ointment for skin irritations, skin abscesses and boils. Chickweed is one of the easiest plants to identify and is used widely in rural Oklahoma. The major plant constituents in Chickweed are Ascorbic-acid, Beta-carotene, Calcium, Coumarins, Genistein, Gamma-linolenic-acid, Flavonoids, Hentriacontanol, Magnesium, Niacin, Oleic-acid, Potassium, Riboflavin, Rutin, Selenium, Triterpenoid saponins, Thiamin, and Zinc. The whole plant is used in alternative medicine as an astringent, carminative, demulcent, diuretic, expectorant, laxative, refrigerant, vulnerary. A decoction of the whole plant is taken internally as a post-partum depurative, emmenagogue, galactogogue and circulatory tonic.

Chickweed is also used to relieve constipation, an infusion of the dried herb is used in coughs and hoarseness, and is beneficial in the treatment of kidney complaints. Chickweed has been used as an astringent, carminative, demulcent, diuretic, expectorant, laxative, refrigerant, and vulnerary. New research indicates it's use as an effective antihistamine. The decoction is also used externally to treat rheumatic pains, wounds and ulcers. It can be applied as a medicinal poultice and will relieve any kind of roseola and is effective wherever there are fragile superficial veins or itching skin conditions.

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Joe and I have also picked Dandelion leaves for our wildcrafted salads, which adds a nice bitter backdrop. Dandelion leaves and roots have been used for hundreds of years to treat liver, gallbladder, kidney, and joint problems. In some traditions, dandelion is considered a blood purifier and is used for ailments as varied as eczema and cancer. As is the case today, dandelion has also been used historically to treat poor digestion, water retention, and diseases of the liver, including hepatitis. Dandelion leaves can also help with constipation, indigestion, and heartburn. A friend of mine has made a tincture out of fresh Dandelion root, and I am very excited about making one myself this spring. I am also excited about trying out this Dandelion recipe: “Dandelion Fritters”. Here is a cute, short video clip explaining how to make these scrumptious, nutritious hors d'oeuvres:

I hope you all enjoy the bountiful benefits of medicinal plants!
Jessica Woody

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Best Deal on the Net for Heirloom Seeds!

Square Foot Gardening and the Three Sisters

Looking through my window I see huge flakes of snow falling....I'm glad I only planted a few of my beets, carrots and cucumbers last week, because they have all frozen! I sure am glad I ordered a 5 year supply of seeds from Big John Lipscomb.

In this post I will go over a couple of ways we plan on growing our vegetables.

For our Heirloom garden, we plan on using a few different methods for growing our vegetables. One method is called Square Foot Gardening.

Square Foot Gardening keys to success:

- Pick an area that gets 6-8 hours of sunshine daily.
- Stay clear of trees and shrubs where roots and shade may interfere.
- Have it close to the house for convenience.
- Existing soil is not really important, since you won't be using it.
- Area should not puddle after a heavy rain.

The 10 Basics of Square Foot Gardening

1. LAYOUT - Arrange your garden in squares, not rows. Lay it out in 4'x4' planting areas.
2. BOXES - Build boxes to hold a new soil mix above ground.
3. AISLES - Space boxes 3' apart to form walking aisles.
4. SOIL - Fill boxes with Mel's special soil mix: 1/3 blended compost, 1/3 peat moss, and 1/3 coarse vermiculite.
5. GRID - Make a permanent square foot grid for the top of each box. A MUST!
6. CARE - NEVER WALK ON YOUR GROWING SOIL. Tend your garden from the aisles.
7. SELECT - Plant a different flower, vegetable, or herb crop in each square foot, using 1, 4, 9, or 16 plants per square foot.
8. PLANT - Conserve seeds. Plant only a pinch (2 or 3 seeds) per hole. Place transplants in a slight saucer-shaped depression.
9. WATER - Water by hand from a bucket of sun-warmed water.
10. HARVEST - When you finish harvesting a square foot, add compost and replant it with a new and different crop.

The Three Sisters

We also plan on employing the Three Sisters method. This is where you grow your corn, beans and squash together on a mound. "The Three Sisters all work together. Critters will find it harder to invade your garden by interplanting your corn, beans and squash. The corn stalk serves as a pole for the beans, the beans help to add the nitrogen to the soil that the corn needs, and the squash provides a ground cover of shade that helps the soil retain moisture.

1. In late May or early June, hoe up the ground and heap the earth into piles about a foot high and about 20 across. The centers of your mounds should be about four feet apart and should have flattened tops.

2. First, in the center of each mound, plant five or six corn kernels in a small circle.

3. After a week or two, when the corn has grown to be five inches or so, plant seven or eight pole beans in a circle about six inches away from the corn kernels.

4. A week later, at the edge of the mound about a foot away from the beans, plant seven or eight squash or pumpkin seeds.

5. When the plants begin to grow, you will need to weed out all but a few of the sturdiest of the corn plants from each mound. Also keep the sturdiest of the bean and squash plants and weed out the weaker ones.

6. As the corn and beans grow up, you want to make sure that the beans are supported by cornstalks, wrapping around the corn. The squash will crawl out between the mounds, around the corn and beans.